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				<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="070" infoCodeVariant="D" itemLocationCode="A"/>
				<language countryIsoCode="US" languageIsoCode="en"/>
				<issueInfo inWork="00" issueNumber="001"/>
					<issueDate day="16" month="08" year="2010"/>
					<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
					<infoName>Expendable and durable items list</infoName>
		<dmStatus issueType="new">
			<security securityClassification="01"/>
					<dataDistribution>DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.</dataDistribution>
					<dataDestruction>DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any means possible to prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.</dataDestruction>
			<responsiblePartnerCompany enterpriseCode="1L6T4">
				<enterpriseName>US Army Materiel Command (AMC) Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA)</enterpriseName>
			<originator enterpriseCode="07GB6">
				<enterpriseName>BTAS COE</enterpriseName>
					<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0000" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="022" infoCodeVariant="A" itemLocationCode="D"/>
						<techName>S1000D GUN</techName>
						<infoName>Business rules exchange data module</infoName>
				<firstVerification verificationType="tabtop"/>
			<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-070D-001">
				<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-070D-002">
					<para>This lists expendable and durable items that you will need to operate and maintain the of the Phun Gun. This list is for information only and is not authority to requisition the listed items. These items are authorized to you by CTA 50-970, Expendable/Durable Items (Except Medical, Class V Repair Parts, and Heraldic Items), CTA 50-909, Field and Garrison Furnishings and Equipment or CTA 8-100, Army Medical Department Expendable/Durable Items.</para>
				<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-070D-003">
					<title>Explanation of Columns in the Expendable/Durable Items List</title>
								<para>"Item No." column. This number is assigned to the entry in the list and is referenced in the narrative instructions to identify the item.</para>
								<para>"Level" column. This entry identifies the lowest level of maintenance that requires the listed item (C = Crew (Operator), F = Maintainer, H = Below Depot, D = Depot).</para>
								<para>"National Stock Number (NSN)" column. Identifies the stock number of the item to be used for requisitioning purposes.</para><!-- For consistency, shouldn't the boilerplate text be identical to the NSN column description in other DMs (e.g., BII, COEI)? 3031 boilerplate text include, "This is the NSN assigned to the item which you can use to requisition it." -->
								<para>"Item name, Description, Part Number/(CAGE)" column. This column provides the other information you need to identify the item. The last line below the description is the part number and the Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) (in parentheses).</para><!-- Should "(CAGE)" be "(CAGEC)?" -->
								<para>"U/I" column. Unit of Issue (U/I) code shows the physical measurement or count of the item, such as gallon, dozen, gross, etc.</para></listItem></sequentialList></para>
					<table id="tbl-00-00-00-070D-001" frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
						<title>Expendable/Durable Items List</title>
						<tgroup cols="5">
							<colspec colname="col1" colwidth="0.5in" align="center"/>
							<colspec colname="col2" colwidth="0.5in" align="center"/>
							<colspec colname="col3" colwidth="2.5in"/>
							<colspec colname="col4" colwidth="*"/>
							<colspec colname="col5" colwidth="0.5in" align="center"/>
									<entry><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">Item No.</emphasis></para></entry>
									<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">Level</emphasis></para></entry>
									<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">National Stock Number (NSN)</emphasis></para></entry>
									<entry><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">Item Name, Description, Part Number/(CAGEC)</emphasis></para></entry>
									<entry valign="bottom"><para><emphasis emphasisType="em01">U/I</emphasis></para></entry>
			<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
			**		No illustrations shall be prepared for these items. Items appearing in the tabular list shall appear
			**		inn alphabetical sequence by item name.
									<entry valign="top"><para>1</para></entry>
									<entry valign="top">
									<entry valign="top"><para>1005-00-494-6602</para>
									<entry valign="top">
										<para>Brush, Cleaning</para>
										<!-- Normally displayed as "8448462/(19204)". Is this an option that should be given for projects? Should they be required to use these elements? -->
									<entry valign="top">
									<entry valign="top"><para>2</para></entry>
									<entry valign="top">
									<entry valign="top"><para>7920-00-205-1711</para>
									<entry valign="top">
										<para>Rag, Wiping: Cotton, 50 LB bundle</para>
									<entry valign="top">

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