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				<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="018" infoCodeVariant="F" itemLocationCode="A"/>
				<language countryIsoCode="US" languageIsoCode="en"/>
				<issueInfo inWork="00" issueNumber="001"/>
					<issueDate day="13" month="08" year="2010"/>
						<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
						<infoName>PMCS introduction</infoName>
		<dmStatus issueType="new">
			<security securityClassification="01"/>
					<dataDistribution>DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.</dataDistribution>
					<dataDestruction>DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any means possible to prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document.</dataDestruction>
			<responsiblePartnerCompany enterpriseCode="1L6T4">
				<enterpriseName>US Army Materiel Command (AMC) Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA)</enterpriseName>
			<originator enterpriseCode="07GB6">
				<enterpriseName>BTAS COE</enterpriseName>
					<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0000" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="022" infoCodeVariant="A" itemLocationCode="D"/>
						<techName>S1000D GUN</techName>
						<infoName>Business rules exchange data module</infoName>
				<firstVerification verificationType="tabtop"/>
			<levelledPara id="par-00-00-00-018F-001">
				<para>These services shall be performed by field maintenance personnel with the assistance, when practical, of the operators/crew, who will clean in accordance with <pmRef>
						<pmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" pmIssuer="91005" pmNumber="OPI01" pmVolume="00"/>
						<pmTitle>Operator's Manual for Phun Gun 30D</pmTitle>
					<notePara>Maintenance of some assemblies are not authorized by the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) to field maintenance (refer to <dmRef>
							<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="916" infoCodeVariant="A" itemLocationCode="A"/>
								<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
					</dmRef>). Ensure that no work is being accomplished beyond the scope authorized to field maintenance. Evacuate to sustainment maintenance for repairs when necessary.</notePara>
				<para>Perform PMCS every 90 days to keep the weapon ready for use.</para>
				<para>If the weapon has not been used for 90 days, PMCS in <pmRef>
						<pmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" pmIssuer="91005" pmNumber="OPI01" pmVolume="00"/>
						<pmTitle>Operator's Manual for Phun Gun 30D</pmTitle>
				</pmRef> should also be performed.</para>
				<para>The Phun Gun 30D is not enrolled in the Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP). HARDTIME INTERVALS APPLY.</para>
		<!-- ***************************************************************************************************************
		**		HARDTIME INTERVALS: Hardtime maintenance is scheduled maintenance conducted at 
		**		predetermined fixed intervals because of age, calendar, or usage such as operating time, 
		**		flying hours, miles driven, or rounds fired.
				<para>The PMCS procedures are contained in <dmRef>
							<dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DGUN" systemDiffCode="0" systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0" assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A" infoCode="200" infoCodeVariant="B" itemLocationCode="A"/>
								<techName>Phun Gun</techName>
					</dmRef>. They are arranged in logical sequence requiring a minimum amount of time and motion on the part of the persons performing them and are arranged so that there will be minimum interference between persons performing checks simultaneously on the same end item.</para>
				<para>Information is presented in a tabular format with the following columns:
							<para>"Item No." column. Checks and services are numbered in disassembly sequence. This column shall be used as a source of item numbers for the TM Number column on <externalPubRef><externalPubRefIdent><externalPubCode>DA Form 2404</externalPubCode><externalPubTitle>Equipment Inspecion and Maintenance Worksheet</externalPubTitle></externalPubRefIdent></externalPubRef>, in recording results of PMCS.</para>
							<para>"Interval" column. This column provides the designated interval when each check is to be performed.</para>
							<para>"Item to be Checked or Serviced" column. This column lists the item to be checked or serviced.</para>
							<para>"Procedure" column. This column contains a brief description of the procedure by which the check is to be performed. It contains all the information required to accomplish the checks and services. Information marked SH indicates a specific equipment shortcoming and the procedure needed to correct the shortcoming.</para>
							<para>"Not Fully Mission Capable If:" column. This column contains a brief statement of the condition (e.g., malfunction, shortage) that would cause the covered equipment to be less than fully ready to perform its assigned mission.</para>

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