.. / download
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dmodule xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        <dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000DXSL" systemDiffCode="A"
          systemCode="00" subSystemCode="0" subSubSystemCode="0"
          assyCode="00" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A"
          infoCode="040" infoCodeVariant="A" itemLocationCode="A"/>
        <language languageIsoCode="en" countryIsoCode="GB"/>
        <issueInfo issueNumber="001" inWork="00"/>
        <issueDate year="2011" month="01" day="28"/>
          <techName>S1000D XSL Stylesheets</techName>
      <security securityClassification="01"/>
        <enterpriseName>Smart Avionics Ltd.</enterpriseName>
        <enterpriseName>Smart Avionics Ltd.</enterpriseName>
            <!-- default BREX -->
            <dmCode modelIdentCode="S1000D" systemDiffCode="A"
              systemCode="04" subSystemCode="1" subSubSystemCode="0" 
              assyCode="0301" disassyCode="00" disassyCodeVariant="A"
              infoCode="022" infoCodeVariant="A" itemLocationCode="D"/>
          <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://www.s1000d.org">
          </externalPubRef> is an XML based documentation standard for technical publications. Originally created by
          a conglomerate of defence companies for documenting military hardware, it is now also being used by civilian
          aerospace companies. 
          <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://github.com/smartavionics/S1000D-XSL-Stylesheets">
              <externalPubTitle>S1000D XSL Stylesheets</externalPubTitle>
          is a set of XSL stylesheets that can be used to transform
          an S1000D document (authored as a bunch of XML files) into a PDF file for viewing and printing.
          The specification is still evolving and has already has gone through quite a few revisions. The current
          released issue is 4.0.1 and 4.1 is due sometime soon. The specification decrees not only how a document's
          content is to be structured but also how the resulting publication should look. The fact that the current
          issue runs to more than 2750 pages gives an indication of the complexity of the standard. Furthermore,
          companies that create S1000D documents can apply company specific "Business Rules" that affect both the
          information content and/or presentation style of the resulting document.
          S1000D authoring/publishing systems are available but tend to be geared towards
          the larger companies that are producing 10,000's of pages of documentation. So at the moment, if you
          want to produce a modest sized S1000D document you have to either invest (rather heavily) in an
          authoring/publishing system or pay someone who has the capability to produce S1000D documents to create the
          document for you. Either way, it's expensive. The goal of the S1000D XSL stylesheet project is to provide a
          low-cost (in terms of the software cost) means to create page-oriented output (PDF files) from S1000D
          compliant XML source files.
          The S1000D standard describes how the XML <emphasis>data modules</emphasis> that make up a
          given publication's content are stored in a "Common Source DataBase" (CSDB). They don't actually say how the
          database is implemented or how the data modules are authored and stored in the database but the basic idea is
          that when a publication is to be created, the required modules are extracted from the database and formatted
          along with some (possibly automatically generated) front matter to produce the desired result. The content of a
          given publication is determined by one or more <emphasis>publication modules</emphasis> which reference the
          data modules to be included.
          Commercial S1000D publishing systems provide some form of Content Management
          System (CMS) to act as the CSDB and that would provide versioning and multi-author access facilities. For a
          small documentation project, the complicated and expensive CMS can be replaced with a decent Software
          Configuration Management (SCM) system and the modules stored simply as flat files. As described in more detail
          below, the S1000D XSL stylesheets simply require that a publication's data modules and publication module are
          combined to make a single XML file which is then processed - how those modules are stored and retrieved is not
          really relevant.
        <title>Using the S1000D XSL stylesheets</title>
          To create a PDF file from a publication module and one or more data modules, you need to put together a simple
          top-level XML file that includes all of the desired content within a root element. The tag used for the root
          element can be anything<footnote>
            Probably not a good idea to use an element name like <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">pm</verbatimText> or
            <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">dmodule</verbatimText>.
          </footnote>, I am using <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">publication</verbatimText>. Here is the
          top-level file used to create this README:
        <verbatimText><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<publication xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
  <xi:include href="PMC-S1000DXSL-SMART-00001-00.xml"/>
            The order in which the modules are included is not important.
          Generating a PDF file from this top-level XML file is a three stage process:
                Transform the S1000D XML into DocBook XML using the <emphasis>s1000dtodb</emphasis> stylesheet.
                Transform the DocBook XML into Formatting Objects (FO) XML using the <emphasis>dbtofo</emphasis>
                Process the FO XML using a formatting program such as <emphasis>fop</emphasis> or
                <emphasis>xep</emphasis> to produce the PDF file.
          An XSLT version 1 compatible processor is required to carry out the transformations. The stylesheets have
          been tested with the <emphasis>xalan</emphasis> and <emphasis>saxonpe</emphasis> processors. An 
          <emphasis>ant</emphasis> build file is provided that will use either of those programs to do the
          transformations and either fop or xep to do the formatting. Once this process has been configured, the
          document can be rebuilt anytime by simply running ant.
          To use the S1000D XSL stylesheets, you need the following items:
              <definitionTitle>Download from</definitionTitle>
              <listItemTerm>S1000D XSL stylesheets</listItemTerm>
                <para>Obtain from the github
                  <externalPubRef xlink:href="https://github.com/smartavionics/S1000D-XSL-Stylesheets">
                  </externalPubRef> repository.
                  The downloads button on the RHS of the github page can be used to download an archive of the latest
                  revision. Better still, install <emphasis>git</emphasis> and then clone the repository onto your local
                  machine so that the latest version is only a "git pull" away.
              <listItemTerm>Docbook XSL stylesheets</listItemTerm>
                <para>Obtain from 
                  <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/files/docbook-xsl-ns/">
                  The dbtofo stylesheet is just a customisation layer on top of the standard DocBook XSL stylesheets so
                  you need those stylesheets to use dbtofo. Get the namespace aware version, e.g. docbook-xsl-ns-1.76.1
                  and unpack the distribution in the top-level directory of the S1000D XSL tree.
              <listItemTerm>An XSLT processor</listItemTerm>
                  If you're going the Java route, there's several to choose from - known to work are:
                        <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j/">
                        <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://saxon.sourceforge.net/">
                            <externalPubTitle>Saxon HE</externalPubTitle>
                        <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://www.saxonica.com/">
                            <externalPubTitle>Saxon PE & EE</externalPubTitle>
                        The open source version (he) of Saxon is fine but it doesn't support the XSL extension currently
                        used in the stylesheets to resolve graphic file entities. If you use the commercial editions of
                        Saxon (saxon pe, saxon ee) then the extension is supported. See <internalRef
                        internalRefId="par-001">below</internalRef> for more information on this.
                  A non-Java XSLT processor that is known to work is
                    <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/xsltproc2.html">
              <listItemTerm>Xerces XML Parser</listItemTerm>
                  <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://xerces.apache.org/">
                      <externalPubTitle>Xerces2 Java</externalPubTitle>
                  </externalPubRef> is required when using either the xalan or saxon XSLT processors.
                  Again, only needed if you are using a Java XSLT processor. It can be found in
                  <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://www.apache.org/dist/xml/commons/xml-commons-resolver-latest.zip">
              <listItemTerm>FO Processor</listItemTerm>
                  There are numerous commercial products that will generate PDF (and other formats) from XML FO input.
                  The stylesheets have been tested with 
                  <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://www.renderx.com/tools/xep.html">
                      <externalPubTitle>XEP from RenderX</externalPubTitle>
                  </externalPubRef> product.
                  A free alternative is
                  <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/">
                      <externalPubTitle>Apache Fop</externalPubTitle>
                  </externalPubRef>. Version 1 works with the stylesheets.
              <listItemTerm>Apache ant</listItemTerm>
                  If you want to use the supplied ant build file, you need ant which may well be available as a package on
                  your system or it can be obtained from
                  <externalPubRef xlink:href="http://ant.apache.org">
                      <externalPubTitle>Apache ant</externalPubTitle>
          The ant build file needs to know where the various jars (xalan/saxon, xerces, resolver) reside so it will make
          configuration easier if those jars are put into the same directory but it's not an absolute requirement.
            This section assumes you are using ant with the supplied <emphasis>build.xml</emphasis> file.
          <title>Configuring the build</title>
            Configuration mainly consists of setting those build parameters that you wish to change from the default
            values. To do that, don't edit build.xml itself but, instead, edit <emphasis>build.properties</emphasis>.
            The most important properties you can set are listed in <internalRef internalRefId="tab-001"/>.
          <table id="tab-001">
            <title>Configurable build properties</title>
            <tgroup cols="3">
              <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
              <colspec colwidth="1*"/>
              <colspec colwidth="3*"/>
                      Name of your top-level XML file without the .xml extension, e.g.
                      <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">S1000DXSL-README</verbatimText>
                      Name of the top-level directory of the S1000D XSL distribution. Can be a relative or
                      absolute path name.
                      Name of the directory in which the jar files are stored. Can be a
                      relative or absolute path name - defaults to '.'
                      Name of the resolver jar file - defaults to <verbatimText
                      Name of the Saxon jar file - defaults to <verbatimText
                      Name of the Xalan jar file - defaults to <verbatimText
                      Name of the Xerces impl jar file - defaults to <verbatimText
                      Name of the XSLT processor to use (<verbatimText
                        verbatimStyle="vs01">xalan</verbatimText> or <verbatimText
                        verbatimStyle="vs01">saxon</verbatimText>) - defaults to <verbatimText
                      Name of the FO formatter to use (<verbatimText
                        verbatimStyle="vs01">fop1</verbatimText> or <verbatimText
                        verbatimStyle="vs01">xep</verbatimText>) - defaults to <verbatimText
                    <para>fop1.cmd xep.cmd</para>
                      The actual command to be run to execute the FO formatter - defaults are <verbatimText
                        verbatimStyle="vs01">fop1</verbatimText> and <verbatimText
                        verbatimStyle="vs01">xep</verbatimText> respectively.
          <title>Catalog configuration</title>
            For the XSLT processor to be able to find the DocBook stylesheets, the catalog file
            (<emphasis>catalog.xml</emphasis>) in the S1000D XSL installation directory needs to have a suitable entry.
            The supplied file looks like this:
            <verbatimText><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>

<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">
   <nextCatalog catalog="docbook-xsl-ns-1.76.1/catalog.xml"/>
   <nextCatalog catalog="../catalog.xml"/>
            The first <emphasis>nextCatalog</emphasis> element should reference the catalog in the DocBook XSL
            distribution. Make sure that the pathname there matches where your DocBook XSL files are located.
        <levelledPara id="par-001">
          <title>Graphics entity map configuration</title>
            S1000D documents reference all graphics through XML entities. At some stage in the processing, the entity
            has to be mapped into a filename which is then passed through to the FO processor so it can include the
            graphic in the output. Entities can be defined in a local document type definition at the top of a module
            that uses them. Here's an example:
            <verbatimText><![CDATA[<!NOTATION cgm
  PUBLIC "-//USA-DOD//NOTATION Computer Graphics Metafile//EN">
<!ENTITY ICN-S1000DBIKE-AAA-DA53000-0-U8025-00525-A-04-1 SYSTEM
  NDATA cgm>]]></verbatimText>
            The first line declares <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">cgm</verbatimText> to be a type of external
            entity and the second line declares <verbatimText
            verbatimStyle="vs01">ICN-S1000DBIKE-AAA-DA53000-0-U8025-00525-A-04-1</verbatimText> to be an entity of that
            type that references a CGM graphics file at location <verbatimText
            So now, within the data module content, you can use <verbatimText
            verbatimStyle="vs01">ICN-S1000DBIKE-AAA-DA53000-0-U8025-00525-A-04-1</verbatimText> to specify that graphics
            The XSLT processor is potentially capable of resolving the entity name into the file name but to do so
            it must have seen the declarations shown above and for that to happen, it must be using a validating XML
            parser. At this time, the build file is using a non-validating parser and so when the XSLT processor
            resolves the graphics entity name it comes out null. Therefore, I have implemented a simple XSL extension
            function that is used to resolve the graphics entity names.
            The way it works is as follows: within the modules that wish to refer to a graphics file you declare a
            suitable entity for the file - the type and value of the entity are not important as they will both be
            ignored when the module is processed. Here's the declaration that is used within the 
            PMC for this document that declares the entity that gets used as the company logo in the page headers:
            <verbatimText><![CDATA[<!NOTATION anything SYSTEM "">
<!ENTITY publisher-logo SYSTEM "" NDATA anything>]]></verbatimText>
            This declares <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">publisher-logo</verbatimText> to be an entity which we can
            use within the module to specify a graphics file - it gets used like this:
  <symbol infoEntityIdent="publisher-logo" reproductionHeight="12mm"/>
            To achieve the desired result, we still have to specify somewhere that <verbatimText
            verbatimStyle="vs01">publisher-logo</verbatimText> maps into a particular file name (in this case
            the file is called <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">smartavionics-logo.svg</verbatimText>). This mapping
            of entity names to file names is done with a simple property file called
            <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">info-entity-map.txt</verbatimText> that contains one line for each
            graphics entity you want to resolve. The example file looks like this:
            <verbatimText><![CDATA[publisher-logo = smartavionics-logo.svg
            If the property file cannot be found or an entity doesn't have an entry in the file, the entity name is
            passed through as the file name unchanged, i.e. entity name 'foo' maps into 'foo'. The DocBook stylesheets
            will automatically append a default file extension if a graphics file name has no extension. The default is
            '.png' so entity 'foo' will become 'foo.png'.
                    This is all rather experimental and could well change in the future.
                    The S1000D standard specifies that all vector graphic files are in CGM format and all bitmap graphic
                    files are in TIFF format. Unfortunately CGM format is not supported by either of the FO processors I
                    have access to and so they cannot be used directly. Potentially, the publishing system could convert
                    CGM files to, say, SVG or EPS for inclusion in the document but as I don't have any means of
                    editing CGM files anyway this capability is not high on my list of improvements.
                    The Home Edition of the Saxon XSLT processor does not support the above mentioned extension and so
                    the entity name will get passed through unchanged as described above.
        <title>Cranking the handle</title>
          Before processing, you need to check that the input is valid S1000D XML. If the input isn't valid, expect big
          trouble. I strongly recommend using an XML aware editor that has validating capability. I am currently using
          jedit (free) and oxygen (not-free) and many others are available<footnote> 
            Emacs NXML mode would be usable if the S1000D xsd schemas were available as rnc schemas but I haven't yet
            succeeded in generating usable rnc files from the xsd files.
          Once the source is validated, it's just a matter of running 'ant' within the directory containing the
          build.xml file. You can either do this from a command line or if you are using an editor like jedit you can
          run the build from within the editor.
          It is normal to get a few messages, here's some typical output (unfortunately, some of the lines are long and
          I have had to wrap them):<verbatimText><![CDATA[
Buildfile: build.xml



     [echo] Transforming S1000DXSL-README.xml to S1000DXSL-README-db.xml



     [echo] Transforming S1000DXSL-README-db.xml to S1000DXSL-README.fo
     [java] file:/home/smartavionics/S1000D/S1000D_xsl/docbook-xsl-ns-1.76.1/
fo/docbook.xsl; Line #318; Column #16; Making portrait pages on A4 paper




     [exec] 28-Jan-2011 10:35:48 org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener
     [exec] WARNING: Font "Symbol,normal,700" not found. Substituting with
     [exec] 28-Jan-2011 10:35:48 org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener
     [exec] WARNING: Font "ZapfDingbats,normal,700" not found. Substituting
with "ZapfDingbats,normal,400".
     [exec] 28-Jan-2011 10:35:48 org.apache.fop.events.LoggingEventListener
     [exec] WARNING: Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area by
802 millipoints. (See position 286:377)
     [move] Moving 1 file to /home/smartavionics/S1000D/S1000D_xsl/sample


Total time: 18 seconds
          If you use an S1000D element that is not yet implemented by the stylesheets you will get a message like
          this:<verbatimText>Unhandled: publication/dmodule/content/faultReporting</verbatimText> and the element and
          its content will be copied through to the output verbatim and displayed in red. 
        <title>Future work</title>
          There's still much to do:
                Many elements in the S1000D schema are not yet implemented. I will be implementing
                elements as and when I need them but if you want to use these stylesheets and need particular elements
                implementing, let me know. Better still, if you know some XSL, have a go at implementing the elements
                yourself (all contributions are welcome).
                No attempt has been made to support 'applicability'. I believe that the 4.1 issue of S1000D will have
                something to say re the formatting aspects of applicability so I am holding off for a while.
                At the present time, the generation of a title page is problematic. S1000D does not currently support
                any markup to explicitly lay out the elements of a title page. I believe that this may be addressed in
                4.1 but in the meantime, one can "cheat" by directly embedding either FO or DocBook elements in the
                S1000D modules and they will get passed through (thanks to the power of XML namespaces!)
                At this time, if the document contains a "List of effective data modules" module (indicated by the
                module having an <verbatimText verbatimStyle="vs01">infoCode</verbatimText> value of <verbatimText
                verbatimStyle="vs01">00S</verbatimText>), the stylesheets will automatically generate the content for
                the module from the data modules that are referenced by the PM. In the future, other front-matter may
                well be automatically generated.
          This project has been made much easier by the efforts of other people and I would like to say thanks to:
                The creators/maintainers of the DocBook XSL stylesheets and the associated documentation - not only have
                I used those stylesheets as the basis of the formatting process but I have also learnt a lot about XSL
                stylesheet writing by looking at that code.
                The creators/maintainers of the various open source tools that are used (xalan, xerces, saxonhe, fop,
          The file COPYING contains the full warranty and copyright information but the bottom line is that these
          stylesheets (and any other files in this package) are supplied with no warranty as to fitness of purpose, etc.
          In particular, the stylesheets are not guaranteed to produce output that is free from errors or omissions. So
          if you write a document that states something like "ensure that the fuel tank contains at least 10,000L of
          fuel" and it comes out saying "ensure that the fuel tank contains at least 10L of fuel", Smart Avionics Ltd.
          will not be liable for the consequences.

Styles: Light Dark Classic