.. / download
.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.3.1
.TH "s1kd2pdf" "1" "2019\-03\-26" "" "S1000D XSL Stylesheets"
s1kd2pdf \- Create a PDF from S1000D data
s1kd2pdf\ [\-c\ <CFG>]\ [\-s\ <XSL>]\ [\-d\ <XSL>]\ [\-o\ <out>]\ [\-DFISh?]\ <src>
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ [<param>...]
The \f[I]s1kd2pdf\f[] command will create a PDF from S1000D data modules
or publications using the S1000D XSL Stylesheets, xsltproc, and Apache
.B \-c <CFG>
Specify a FOP XML configuration file.
By default, /etc/fop.xml will be used (if it exists).
.B \-D
Generate template XSLT for a custom DocBook\-to\-FO stylesheet (\-d).
.B \-d <XSL>
Use a custom stylesheet for DocBook\-to\-FO conversion.
.B \-F
Output the generated XSL\-FO instead of a PDF.
.B \-I
Output Apache FOP intermediary format instead of a PDF.
.B \-o <out>
Output to <out> instead of <src>.pdf (or <src>.fo if the \-F option is
.B \-S
Generate template XSLT for a custom S1000D\-to\-DocBook stylesheet
.B \-s <XSL>
Use a custom stylesheet for S1000D\-to\-DocBook conversion.
.B <src>
Source S1000D module to create a PDF from.
.B <param>...
xsltproc parameters to pass to both stylesheets.
.SS Adding customizations to the stylesheets
To add project\-specific customizations to the PDF output:
.IP "1." 3
Use the \-D/\-S options to create a template XSLT file which imports the
installed default stylesheets.
.IP "2." 3
Add customizations to this file.
.IP "3." 3
Use the \-d/\-s options to apply this custom stylesheet.
$\ s1kd2pdf\ \-S\ >\ custom.xsl
<?xml\ version="1.0"?>
<xsl:import\ href="/path/to/original/stylesheet.xsl"/>

<!\-\-\ Present\ verbatimText\ type\ vs51\ as\ green.\ \-\->
<xsl:template\ match="verbatimText[\@verbatimStyle\ =\ \[aq]vs51\[aq]]">
<fo:inline\ color="green">

$\ s1kd2pdf\ \-s\ custom.xsl\ ...
The following parameters can be supplied at the end of the command with
the \-param or \-stringparam flags to customize the PDF output:
.B applic.prefix
The prefix before applicability annotations.
Default is "Applicable to: ".
.B auto.expand.acronyms
Choose how to expand acronyms:
.IP \[bu] 2
"no" \- Only show the term
.IP \[bu] 2
"before" \- Show the definition followed by the term in parentheses
.IP \[bu] 2
"after" \- Show the term followed by the definition in parentheses
.B bridgehead.in.toc
Whether to include default headings in each data module\[aq]s TOC.
.B data.module.index
Include an index section in each data module.
.B date.time
When set, add the "Printed $date.time" statement to the left margin.
.B definition.list.term.width
Width of the term column in a definition list.
.B double.sided
Whether to use alternating headers/footers for double\-sided printing.
.B end.of.data.module.position
Where to present the "End of data module" statement.
.B end.of.text
How the text of the "End of data module" statement is determined.
.B external.pub.ref.inline
How external publication references are presented.
.B font.family
The default font family for all elements.
.B footer.show.applic
Whether to show the "Applicability" statement in the footer.
.B footer.show.dmc
Whether to show the data module code in the footer.
.B footer.show.end.of.data.module
Whether to show the "End of data module" statement in the footer.
.B footer.show.security
Whether to show the security statement in the footer.
.B footnote.font.size
The font size of a footnote.
.B front.matter.info.codes
Descriptive data modules with any of these info codes are presented as
front matter.
.B generate.barcode
Use the barCodeCode element of the title page to generate a barcode
graphic using Barcode4j if no barCodeSymbol element is included.
.B generate.display.text
If set to "0", display text for applicability annotations that have none
will not be automatically generated, and no annotation will be displayed
on elements referencing it.
.B generate.highlights
Generate a Highlights section when encountering a descriptive data
module with info code 00U.
.B generate.index
Generate an index when encountering a descriptive data module with info
code 014.
.B generate.list.of.datamodules
Generate a List of effective data modules when encountering a
descriptive data module with info code 00S.
.B generate.list.of.illustrations
Generate a List of illustrations when encountering a descriptive data
module with info code 00A.
.B generate.list.of.tables
Generate a List of tables when encountering a descriptive data module
with info code 00Z.
.B generate.table.of.contents
Generate a Table of contents when encountering a descriptive data module
with info code 009.
.B generate.title.page
Generate a Title page when encountering a descriptive data module with
info code 001.
.B generated.hierarchical.toc.indent
The indentation of each level of the hierarchical table of contents.
.B header.show.security
Whether to show the security statement in the header.
.B hide.deleted.content
.IP \[bu] 2
"0" \- Present "deleted" content as struck\-through.
.IP \[bu] 2
"1" \- Hide "deleted" content.
.B hide.empty.proced.rqmts
Hide empty tables in the preliminary requirements section.
.B hide.empty.refs.table
Hide the References table if it is empty.
.B hierarchical.table.of.contents
Generate a hierarchical table of contents.
.B highlight.applic
Highlight applicability statements by colouring them blue.
.B include.pmentry.bookmarks
Include pmEntry levels and titles in the PDF bookmarks.
.B include.title.in.toc
Whether and how to include the data module title in the data
module\[aq]s TOC.
.B index.type
What kind of index to generate.
.B part.no.prefix
Prefix part numbers with the text "Part No."
.B printedin.blurb
When set, adds a "Printed in" statement after the "Published by"
statement, indicating the country the document was produced in.
.B printedin.blurb.before
The text between the "Produced by" and the "Printed in" statements.
.B producedby.blurb
Set the "Produced by" statement for the whole publication manually,
rather than deriving it from each data module\[aq]s responsible partner
.B producedby.blurb.before
The text label of the "Produced by" statement.
.B producedby.blurb.on.titlepage
Whether or not to show the "Produced by" statement on the title page.
Often this can be redundant as the title page also includes the name of
the producer.
.B publication.code
Set the publication code manually instead of using the one derived from
the publication module.
.B quantity.decimal.format
The format to use when presenting quantity values.
.IP \[bu] 2
"SI" \- comma for decimal separator, space for grouping (default)
.IP \[bu] 2
"imperial" \- period for decimal separator, comma for grouping
.B quantity.decimal.separator
Decimal separator in formatted quantity values.
.B quantity.format
The picture string passed to format\-number() when reformat.quantities =
.B quantity.grouping.separator
Grouping separator in formatted quantity values.
.B reformat.quantities
Controls whether and how quantities are reformatted for presentation.
.IP \[bu] 2
"normal" \- Use appropriate decimal separator, add thousands separators,
preserve leading and trailing zeroes (default).
.IP \[bu] 2
"custom" \- Completely reformat all values using the format string
Removes leading and trailing zeroes.
.IP \[bu] 2
"basic" \- Use the appropriate decimal separator, preserve leading and
trailing zeroes, but do not add thousands separators.
.B running.pagination
Whether to use normal or running pagination.
.B running.pagination
Whether to use normal or running pagination.
.B show.content.applic
Whether content applicability annotations are shown.
.IP \[bu] 2
"0" \- Do not show content applicability annotations
.IP \[bu] 2
"1" \- Show content applicability annotations (default)
.B show.graphic.icn
Whether to show the ICN below a graphic.
.B show.schema.heading
Whether to include the default heading related to the S1000D schema of a
data module.
.B show.unclassified
Whether to show the text "UNCLASSIFIED" when a document is not
.B simple.info.codes
Descriptive data modules with these info codes will be presented with a
minimal stylesheet, without the standard lists, tables, or headings.
.B title.fontset
Default font for titles.
.B title.page.barcode.symbology
When title.page.barcode.value is specified, this is the type of barcode
to generate.
Can either be one of the S1000D project configurable attribute values
for barCodeSymbology (e.g., bcs13) or the name of a Barcode4j format
(e.g., code128).
.B title.page.barcode.value
When this is set, a barcode will be automatically generated for the
title page using the given value.
The type of barcode can be specified with title.page.barcode.symbology.
If using a frontmatter schema title page, this will override the barCode
.B title.page.illustration
Product illustration to show on the title page.
Can be used to provide an illustration when the title page is generated
with a descriptive DM placeholder (as opposed to a frontmatter DM) or to
override the illustration specified in a frontmatter title page DM.
.B title.page.illustration.height
When title.page.illustration is specified, use this as the reproduction
height of the illustration.
.B title.page.illustration.scale
When title.page.illustration is specified, use this as the reproduction
scale of the illustration.
.B title.page.illustration.width
When title.page.illustration is specified, use this as the reproduction
width of the illustration.
.B title.page.issue.date
Show the issue date of the publication module on the generated title
.B title.page.publisher
Show the responsible partner company on the generated title page.
.B titled.labelled.para.toc
Include "labelled paras" besides levelledPara in the data module\[aq]s
For example, steps with titles.
.B toc.section.depth
The depth of each data module\[aq]s TOC.
.B ulink.footnotes
Whether to present external publication hyperlinks as footnotes.
.B ulink.show
Whether to show external publication hyperlinks inline.
.B use.unparsed.entity.uri
Use the unparsed entity URI to resolve an ICN reference rather than the
InfoEntityResolver and info\-entity\-map concept.
.B want.inwork.blurb
Whether to include a statement in the left margin when a data module is
a draft issue.
.B want.producedby.blurb
Whether to include the "Produced by" statement in the left margin.
$\ s1kd2pdf\ \-o\ test.pdf\ test.xml\ \-param\ show.unclassified\ 0

Styles: Light Dark Classic