These are a set of OmniComplete dictionaries and scripts for Vim to
enable schema-aware auto-complete for S1000D XML. They are generated
automatically from the official S1000D XML schemas.
# Installing
This repository includes pre-built Omnicomplete dictionaries for S1000D
Issue 2.3 thru 5.0. To install them, copy the contents of the `vim`
directory to your Vim configuration directory (e.g., `~/.vim`).
For example, after installation, your Vim directory would look like this:
# Using
![Omnicomplete demo](demo.gif)
To enable Omni completion in Vim, refer to
https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Omni_completion. The default method of
activating Omnicomplete is using ^X^O (Ctrl-X Ctrl-O) in Insert mode.
# Building
- S1000D XML schemas
- xsltproc (part of [libxml2](http://www.xmlsoft.org/))
To rebuild the Omnicomplete dictionaries from the S1000D XML schemas:
1. Download the required S1000D XML schemas from http://s1000d.org/Downloads/Pages/S1000DDownloads.aspx
2. Copy the S1000D XML schemas to the provided `schemas` directory, using the following path structure:
For example:
3. Run `sh build.sh`